What I really needed. Therefore when creating a survey you should start by asking the question "what do we want to research " Without this knowledge we will not be able to meet the most important assumption of the survey i.e. its purposefulness. Although questions about gender for example seem necessary and necessary in every survey we do not always have to ask them. And if we don't have to ask them we simply don't ask them because they will be pointless and the survey will be unnecessarily long. Knowing the purpose of the survey we determine the group to which we will direct it. Let's get to work! In the next. We start with a short.
Introduction in which we introduce ourselves and the purpose for which we are conducting the survey. For example "to best meet the expectations of our customers in the assortment it provides which is why Country Email List we have prepared this survey to be able to best adapt the resources of our store to your expectations. We kindly ask you to take minutes to complete this survey. Now it's time for the most important part of preparing the survey i.e. composing questions. We can create them in the following.
Categories Closed i.e. those in which the respondent can choose the answers we impose for example yes no I don't know I like I don't like etc. Open requiring the involvement of the examined person but also of us when evaluating the research results . In such questions we ask you to answer the question we have asked Semi open questions i.e. those in which to several answers we have specified we add the possibility for the respondent to come up with it. For example list the ways you relax. In the case of semi open questions.