Aor elements thereof which they borrow from the content of other norms. Or in relation to the referral rules the Court by Decision no. of September published in the Official Gazette of Romania Part I no. of March and Decision no. of June published in the Official Gazette of Romania Part I no. of July paragraph ruled that the reference from one legal text to another within the same normative act or from another normative act is a procedure frequently used in order to achieve the economy of means. In order not to repeat it every time the legislator can refer to another legal provision in which certain normative prescriptions are expressly established.
The effect of the reference provision consists in the ideal incorporation of the provisions to Country Email List which the reference is made in the content of the norm that makes the reference. Thus a fulfillment of the ideal content of the norm that makes the reference with the prescriptions of the other text is produced. In the absence of such an operation the legislator would obviously have included this text in the written form of the referring text.
Thus according to art. of Law no. for the implementation of Law no. regarding the Criminal Code published in the Official Gazette of Romania Part I no. of November when a criminal norm refers to another determined norm from which it borrows one or more elements the amendment of the supplementary norm also entails the amendment of the incomplete norm. . Finally the Court also finds that the possible shortcomings in legal provisions have been or can be resolved in accordance with art. para. of the Constitution by the High Court of Cassation and Justice the Constitutional Court having only the role of censuring.